Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Days 66 - 69 on the Trail

Oh dear.  Between infrequent phone calls and my travel (and not taking notes), I'm having a hard time piecing together the previous week of Dave's hike.  Here's what I know for sure.

Dave had allowed 4 days to hike from Caratunk to Monson, ME, but made it in 3 days.  He checked in on Friday, August 26th.

As of 08/26/11:
Miles in the last 3 days - 37

As of 08/27/11:
Miles today: 10 a "slack pack" day
Miles to date - 757.3

By the time Dave arrived in Monson, Hurricane Irene was projected to hit NYC and continue north all the way into Maine, though the eye was supposed to be west of where Dave was staying.  He made sure he had a bunk in the bunk room for several days, as other hikers were expected to converge on the hostel and fill it up.  And they did.  Several hikers made record times trying to get to the hostel before Irene hit NE.  The trail in New Hampshire had been closed. Dave met several of them weeks ago, and now they were all caught up again.

Dave had to stay at the hostel for 4 nights.  As you can imagine, he was getting extremely restless and anxious to get going.  An unexpected benefit was that since Saturday morning was still clear, a hostel worker took him to a spot where the road crossed the trail, and Dave hiked back to the hostel, getting that extra 10 mile section done without having to carry a full pack.  That's what the hikers call a "slack pack" day. Saturday evening and Sunday morning brought rain rain and more rain thanks to Irene.   The big question for the hikers was the condition of the trail from Monson to Katahdin.

The hostel - Shaw's
On Monday, a few of the hikers decided to do what Dave had done, complete a 10-mile section by riding north then hiking south back to the hostel.  When they got back, they reported the trail was wet and muddy but doable.  The concern is crossing the creeks and streams further up the trail that are surely full and swift after all the rain.  They have heard reports of impassable streams.

While spending those 3+ days in Monson, Dave got to know a hiker whose trail name is Chainsaw (yikes).  Dave had been running into him in the previous few days, but while at the hostel they shared several meals and got chummy.  They decided they would stick together for the remaining trip.  They both know that on a muddy, slippery trail with potentially dangerous creek crossings it would be good to have a hiking buddy.  They are both on the same time schedule, too.  A few of the other hikers have also rallied around, sharing schedules so other hikers are expecting them at certain campgrounds on certain days and everyone stays safe.  These hikers include Buckeye Flash, Pilgrim and Deadman.

Not everyone is so conservative.  A father-daughter team and a single woman left Monson yesterday in a big hurry to get to Katahdin.  They want to finish the trail by Labor Day so didn't feel they could wait longer for the trail to dry out.  Dave was especially concerned about the single woman trying to cross streams by herself.  He did attempt to talk her out of leaving on Monday, but she was not to be deterred.  Her boyfriend is already in Millinocket waiting for her and she starts a new job on the Tuesday after Labor Day.  If she makes it.

Monson, Maine
Dave and Chainsaw's plan for today is to get shuttled to a point 50 miles away to a spot where the trail crosses a road, then hike south back to the hostel.  That way they can carry half the amount of food they would otherwise need if they were doing the whole 100+ miles to the Northern Terminus.  They'll spend one more night at the hostel, getting their last shower and bunk, packing the last of their food, getting dropped off at the 50-mile mark again, and hiking north to Katahdin.

Dave thinks he'll be able to call on Wednesday when he is on top of a mountain, then I expect him to be back in the hostel on Friday 9/1/11.

Me (blue kayak) with Kathleen, Jane & Elizabeth
I had a FANTASTIC time in Denver with Candy, Elizabeth, Kathleen, Anne, Mary and Jane, celebrating Vicki's birthday.  We kayaked three mornings, had spa treatments, attended a FACES concert, had a pot-luck cookout/party, drank Starbucks until my pee smelled like coffee, ate Einstein bagels, lunched at great restaurants, several of us bought new spectacles and we all laughed until our sides hurt.  My weekend was a zillion times better than Dave's, IMHO.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like Dave is a SOBO NOBO since he's hiking south but heading north?
