Friday, August 19, 2011

Zero Day #7

As a matter of logistics, Dave had to take another zero day.

As of 08/19/11:
Miles to date - 673.8

Dave was very antsy and bored today, doing his laundry and giving his knees a break.  After two rain days Monday and Tuesday, he was so happy to be back on the trail and hiking again Wednesday and Thursday.  Those downhills are doing a number on his knees, though.  Two months of hiking and a loss of 20-25 pounds is catching up with our 63-year old hiker.  Dave is happier hiking than sitting around, but he's getting to the point where he has to be concerned about serious knee issues. He decided to catch a ride to Stratton, Maine, and hike the last 188 miles from there to Mt. Katahdin.  He could not get a ride today, but will leave early tomorrow morning and that's why he's cooling his jets today.

Some hikers left the hostel this morning telling Dave, We wish you were going with us.  Dave wished he was going, too, but had to give his knees a rest.  He'll be back on the trail tomorrow afternoon.

He now hopes to finish by Sept. 8th under the best of conditions, Sept. 12th if he has weather and/or knee issues. I'll be leaving here just after Labor Day, driving to Maine to pick him up.  I expect to get there in 3 days.  It's a 24 hour drive according to the shortest mapquest route, but I'll be avoiding some areas such as NYC and add many miles to my trip.  Dave will have spent about 24 weeks hiking from GA to ME (in 3 section hikes).  What a guy.

Dave will be crossing the 2000 mile marker just 7 miles past Stratton!  He may get there tomorrow.


  1. So many trials!. I know he must be a bit disappointed, but what a great effort and look at the miles he's covered! Don't know anyone else with that fortitude and charging ahead inspite of other great inconveniences. Yep, What a Guy!!!
    A long haul for you, but look what will be waiting for you up north!!
    "only" 188 miles to go..........ha. I couldn't do 10 miles inone stretch, I'm sure!

  2. You will npbe following on the heels of Irene...coastal routes might be messy.
