Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 10 on the Trail

The campground where Dave pitched his tent tonight is not on his chart so he is guessing at his mileage:

Miles today: 13
Miles to date: 117.2

When he gets to a site or shelter that is on his chart, we'll be able to record his mileage more accurately.

Dave had a good hiking day, though the air was muggy and again he is swarmed with mosquitos.  He was looking forward to getting in his tent and zipping up the insect screen!

He happily reported he has been able to find and eat fresh blueberries for the 4th day in a row.  He also came across some "trail magic."  A day hiker had brought 3 gallons of water and put sodas on ice.  The water saved Dave from having to take a side trip to fill his canteen (now called hydration packs), and he sure enjoyed two sodas!

He has not seen a bear, just bear scat.  Another hiker at this evening's camp has seen 14 bears already.  Dave wants to see a bear!

A "Ridge Runner" was in their camp tonight.  Ridge Runners are summer hires who work for the state and hike from camp to camp, making sure the hikers are okay and the facilities are kept in shape.  He had to empty the bear box, as some lazy campers (often weekend campers, not through-hikers) left their trash, including leftover food and the food was rotting and smelly.  Everyone is supposed to pack out whatever they take into a campsite.  A bear had been in camp trying to get to it and made a racket until about 2 in the morning.  Bear boxes are supposed to be used by campers to protect their food from bears, not used as a trash can!

Dave was pleased he knew everyone at the campsite tonight.  It makes the evening more fun when you are with people you know.

He called on my cell phone while I was at a gathering of friends at the marina.  We were having a BYOB and appetizer dinner.  It was hot hot hot but lots of fun.  All the guys that know Dave sent him their regards -- Tim, Peter, Jim, Rick and also JoJo!

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