Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 2 on the Trail

Happy Flag Day!  I'm sorry to say I wasn't thinking about the date until I was doing errands.  I didn't get home until almost 6 pm - too late to put my flag out.  It was hung on our front fence for Memorial Day Weekend, though!

Dave called about 8:30 last night; I am just now updating.  The time on this post must be Pacific time, as it is 3 hrs earlier than my actual posting time.

His report on 6/13:
Miles today - 9.1
Miles to date - 14.9

The reason the miles are reported with tenths of a mile is because the distances between shelters are shown that way in the guide books.  Dave planned where he will stop every day, so I have that info.  Of course things may change.

Dave said he's feeling better and getting the hang of giving his dehydrated food long enough to soften up completely.  His first night's dinner was still a little crunchy.  Oh my, dehydrated, rehydrated and crunchy?  He's a better man than I.

He said people on the trail have seen rattlers, but he has not.  Let's hope he does not get up close and personal with any snakes!  He also said the group of guys from Savannah again stayed at the same shelter/campground as he and Pyro, and they were louder and crankier this evening.  When Dave called, he was already in his sleeping bag in his tent; and sometimes the guys were so loud he couldn't hear me talk.  That's what he told me, anyway.  Hopefully they won't hike at the same pace for the whole week.

I had an expensive day today.  I took my car in for the 110,000 mile servicing.  I also had a nail in my rear tire.  As it turns out, I also had some bare spots on my tires - after only 30,000 miles.  argh.  A thousand dollars and many hours later --- I was on my way.  The good news (I'm looking under rocks) is that these new tires feel and sound SO MUCH BETTER.  I never liked the previous set, as they seemed hard and loud.  Good thing I had requested a loaner car and was able to get the rest of my errands done.

Dave said Pyro took a picture of the two of them and sent it to me but alas, I never got it. Instead, I'll share a picture of Chase at Camp Sea Gull:

For those of you who don't know Chase, he is the kid with the biggest smile - the 3rd boy from the left.

Dave will call (and I will post) as often as possible.  I'm a little surprised he has had cell phone service the last two nights.  It was much spottier when he was on the southern part of the trail.  I know the northern part is closer to civilization, so we'll see how it goes.

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