Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 13 on the Trail

I spoke to Dave about 4 pm yesterday, so I will be writing about his Friday.

As of 6/24
Miles today - 11.6
Miles to date - 144.4

Dave is on the NY/NJ border, going back and forth between the states as the trail does.  I may have said in an earlier post he was picking his package up in Unionville, NJ, but Unionville is in NY.  Sorry.

The Appalachian Trail is marked with white blazes so hikers will know which way to go.

Dave was hiking along, watching for the blazes when he saw that someone had drawn a smiley face on one.  It looked as though it had a big smile and a white beard.  He walked a bit farther and was looking for the next blaze which he had a hard time finding.  Finally, he spotted it on a boulder about 40 feet above his head. It was another "scrabble" - mountain - of rocks to climb.  He said whoever drew the smiley face sure had a sense of humor!

Not only did he have more boulders to climb, it rained for the 3rd day in a row and Dave said the day "was a hard slog."  The trail had turned into a creek and all his clothes are wet except for one pair of socks he was saving for when he could crawl into his sleeping bag.  (Just shoot me now.)

I asked if he had met any more interesting hikers.  He said he's behind the last group he knew as he took time off to go into Unionville, and they kept going. Thursday there was a very quiet guy in the shelter with whom Dave tried to start a conversation, but he didn't respond.  Dave thought he smelled marijuana.  After a while, the guy said, Do you mind if I smoke?  Dave said no and the guy lit up his bong.  Then a cigarette.  Then another pipeful of -- whatever.  THEN the guy got real chatty.  I asked what his trail name was.  Dave said I asked him, and his answer was "Dave."

Dave (my Dave) chatted with a day hiker Friday who was out birdwatching, as evidently he does quiet often.  His name was Mushroom.

Dave is looking forward to his next motel stay so he can do laundry and dry out. It's 30 miles away, so it will take another couple days to get there.

Dave was able to call Candace and Sandy to wish them Happy Birthday, and was pleased Candace answered her phone!  He was able to talk to Jeff, too.

Megan and I had a fabulous dinner at Circa 1875 with Adriana and Dennis last night.  Adriana asked if we knew what rehydrated meal Dave was having.  I did not know, but I'm sure it wasn't anything like what we were enjoying!

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