Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Zero Day

Dave had a day off today!  He did all his laundry, organized and repacked his back pack, and shopped for a few more protein bars.  He likes Cliff Bars.  The nearest place to buy groceries was a gas station (ugh) and they wanted $2.50/bar.  Dave normally pays $1/bar so he decided he'd go to the next place - and darn I can't remember where it was, but I do remember he said he walked about half a mile to get there.  Cliff bars were $2.00, so he bought Nature Valley bars instead for $1 each.  When he's paying $250 for two nights at the Holiday Inn Express, I don't know why he worried about how much granola bars cost, but ...  

When he got up this morning, he said he experienced the "hiker's hobble."  After that long hard day yesterday?  Of course he would.  He said his left foot is rather tender but okay.  There was a scale in the fitness center and if it's close to our scale at home, Dave has lost 10 pounds.  His pack still weighs between 30-40 pounds, depending upon how much food and water he carries.

The HIE had a great breakfast, he said, with eggs, sausages, fruit, cereal, etc. etc.  I wonder if they have a bowl of granola bars?

During the rest of the day he took a couple more showers, rested, watched TV and snoozed a little.  He ate dinner at the same bbq joint as last night.  He said there wasn't much choice, but he was happy with it.  He saw a guy that he was certain was a hiker due to his boots, clothes and beard, and started talking to him. The hiker is 74 years old and doing parts of the trail he's not done before.  He said he tries to do about 10 miles a day, so Dave thinks he may be running into him more often.

The best thing about Dave's day in my mind is, he walked very little and propped his feet up.  He needed a zero day!

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