Friday, July 8, 2011

Day 24 on the Trail - In MA

Dave made it into yet another state Thursday, Massachusetts!

As of July 7, 2011
Miles today - 14
Miles to date - 296.9

It took Dave 9 hours to go the 14 miles.  He went up and over 4 mountains.  One of them was Bear Mountain, which is has the tallest peak in CT at 2,316 feet.  A hiking website says, "There are a few ways to get to the top and all of them fall under the strenuous category. It's a long hike and steep. But the views from Bear Mountain are breathtaking and well worth the effort."  Dave stopped for his lunch at the top - he had a pot roast sandwich (rehydrated pot roast in a tortilla) then a jelly sandwich.  It takes a lot of energy for those climbs!

Dave saw "hundreds" of little springs near the top, which eventually merged into a big creek.  He said the scenery was some of the most beautiful on this trip.

The trail went over Race Mountain where the path was just two feet from a very steep precipice.  He said it would have been very easy to fall 300-600 feet with a misstep.  argh.  

The last mountain of the day was not the highest but it was even steeper.  Mount Everett has a 2,624 foot summit. The hiking website says, "The wind blows hard, the trees' growth is stunted and rugged looking, with views second to none. You'll hike by one of the most picturesque waterfalls in the Berkshires. It's a very tough hike for the average day hiker since the total elevation gain is about 1,800'." Dave said the waterfall was beautiful.  Then he was in Massachusetts!

Dave met up with two Ridge Runners and learned a little more about their jobs. They work for 10 days then are off for four.  These two young fellows have a 65-mile route they cover in their 10 days; they hike the route that Dave just covered from NY to the MA border.  They are hired by the Appalachian Trail Conservancy to do trail maintenance and hiker education.  As Dave mentioned earlier, they sometimes have to clean up after hikers who leave food in bear boxes, or trash in their campsites.

Dave started off the day hiking with Cloud Walker, but keeping true to his style, Dave chugged along while Cloud Walker took several breaks.  CW did not show up at the campsite and Dave assumes he stopped at an earlier shelter.  Dave was hoping to catch up with Arthur Dent.  AD left Salisbury (where Dave took a Zero Day) the day before, but called Dave to let him know where he was.  Dave may or may not be able to catch up with him.  AD just left the military after 7 years and is in great shape (and young).  He is letting his hair grow out, but just had it cut into a mohawk.  He, like most hikers including Dave, has a full beard. Everyone on the trail recognizes Arthur Dent.

Dave was going to call Chad next, as he had a bite under his gaiters - and he thinks it was a tick - his second one.  He was wondering if he should start taking the antibiotic for lyme disease as a precaution.

Dave had a lasagna dinner, then set up his tent, rather than rolling out his sleeping bag in the shelter, because he needed the mosquito netting his tent provides.  The Ridge Runners did the same.  He could hear the brook nearby and was very happy with his evening location.

1 comment:

  1. What a challenge, and what a day. Keep us posted on the suggested tick bite.
    Your pictures, his explanations, your capability of making this blog into a diary is fabulous, Cindy!
