Saturday, July 30, 2011

Day 45 on the Trail - In NH

I'm going to combine Dave's Day 45 - Friday 7/29 when he crossed into NH - and Saturday 7/30 when he took Zero Day #4.  We spoke for just a few minutes Friday night, but had a 35 minute conversation today.

As of 7/29/11:
Miles today - 9.6
Miles to date - 529.9

Dave said his Friday walk, from the nice backyard campground in West Hartford, VT, to Hanover, NH, was quick and easy.  A neighbor of ours here in Savannah, Clint McKim, insisted Dave call his daughter who lives in Hanover.  Thanks to Marianna, her husband Reinhardt and their daughter Emma's generosity, Dave is staying with them for two nights.  He has showered, had his laundry done, was treated to a fabulous out-of-the-garden dinner, fresh fruit in his room and very friendly conversation.  My cousin Denise's son Alex lived in Hanover until just a few days ago.  We met Alex last April and Dave was sorry he wasn't able to connect with him again.

Solomon Goretex boots
One of the first things Dave did after reaching Hanover was to go to the Post Office.  He picked up the two boxes of food I sent him, and a package from REI - new boots.  The only problem with his old ones was a lacing grommet that came apart.  He called REI about 3 weeks ago to tell them, as he was concerned the laces would eventually cut through the leather.  They offered to send him a new pair, and will credit his account when they receive the old ones.  Dave has been walking around Hanover in his new boots, which he said feel pretty stiff compared to his broken-in ones.

Today Dave reviewed the food he has in his pack and boxes, supplemented it with more snack food (dried fruit, protein bars, nuts, etc.) and chose what he thinks should last him just over a week.  He mailed the rest of it to himself at Franconia Notch, NH, where he should arrive in 7-8 days.  He also mailed his camp shoes (the 5-toed ones) and a few other items he can do without for two weeks to Gorham.  He wants his pack as light as possible for his trek in the White Mountains.   I will be mailing his next food box to Gorham.  Dave went to a food co-op to do his shopping, and said everything looked so good he ended up with 2-3 pounds more food than he needs.  His pack is now 31-32 pounds, an easily manageable weight at this point.
Dave on the Trail

Off the Trail and still eating Little Debbies

The one snack food Dave could not find was his favorite Little Debbie's coffee cakes.  He said the food at the co-op was too healthy for anyone to carry Little Debbie's.  He likes them because they offer so many calories in such a light package.  I told him he will have to drastically alter his eating when he gets off the trail.

Country Gold is staying at a shelter Dave found for him.  Hanover seems to be a very welcoming town to hikers.  Several different places offered free coffee, bagels, ice cream, etc. if you are a through-hiker.  Country Gold was making the rounds of these establishments while Dave enjoyed homemade guacamole, sautéed squash, salad from the garden, blueberry pie and ice cream at Marianna McKim's home.

Dave is treating them to dinner tonight.

Country Gold has texted Dave several times today, making sure he will meet him at the Post Office tomorrow morning to start back on the trail.  I said, Is he afraid you will leave without him?  Dave said, Probably so.  There was a bit of a mix up already.  They were supposed to meet at the Post Office at 10 AM today, and although Dave waited for over half an hour, CG didn't show up.  When Dave was returning to the PO to mail his boxes, he texted CG to say he would be there again.  CG did show up that time, and said he was 'late' last time because someone asked if he was a hiker, they started talking, the stranger offered to buy him a cup of coffee - and so he just didn't meet Dave.

I asked if CG was still wearing Dave's do-rag and if Dave ever told him it was his. He said he did eventually tell him, and CG offered to give it back, but Dave said, It looks better on you than me, and it looks horrible on you.

Downtown Hanover
Dave was having a nice relaxing day with beautiful high 70º weather, catching up on the news and snoozing.  He had lunch in town and ran into other hikers, some he had met before and some were new faces.  He said CG is now planning to get off the trail in Franconia Notch.  I think Dave is (finally) ready to find another hiking companion.  Dave said CG is a really good guy, but he is needy and Dave prefers a more independent buddy.  Yes!

1 comment:

  1. Love reading all this, Cindy...all the many blogs/updates. How gracious of your friend's daughter and family; how unfortunate Alex wasn't still around. Where did that boy go?? Good of REI to replace his boots, and how cool Dave had such a nice respite. Now onward and upward. Takes a lot of organization to know where and when to send pkgs., etc. You both have learned a lot.
    All the best to Dave - does he know he has interested followers?
