Sunday, July 31, 2011

Day 46 on the Trail

Dave's shelter tonight is on top of a mountain, which is unusual.  Fortunately, he had good cell service!

As of 7/31/11:
Miles today - 11.0
Miles to date - 540.9

He said he had gorgeous mid-70s weather, a not-so-difficult hike, and very pretty views.  He also said there was nothing exciting to report, not even any wildlife.  He's at the Moose Mountain Shelter near Grafton, NH, elevation 1850'.

When he was in Hanover, and wanted to mail a food box to Franconia Notch, he called a motel, asked if he could get a room next weekend and if he could send a package there.  The answers were yes and yes.  Today he told Country Gold he had a room, and CG could share it with him ... and it would be a good place to have his friend pick him up (to take him to wherever he was going next).  CG seems to be wavering, as now he's not sure he wants to go home.  Dave said CG needs to start taking responsibility for himself, and Dave finds himself helping out too often.  Maybe next weekend will be the end.

Marianna McKim sent me pictures of Dave as he left their home this morning -- Thank you, Marianna!

The first picture is of Dave with Marianna and Reinhart's daughter Emma, who is 6 years old.  What a cutie!!!

The second picture is Dave, Marianna and Emma.  What do you think about the beard?

1 comment:

  1. You can really see the weight loss in Dave's face! I kind of like the beard, but then again, I don't have to kiss around it.
