Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 29 on the Trail

Trail magic of the ultimate kind!

As of 7/12/11:
Miles today: 12
Miles to date: 352.2

Dave read in a guidebook - and heard from other hikers - that a guy named Tom Lavardi has a house right next to the trail in the town of Dalton, MA, and he often lets hikers camp in his yard.  He and Cloud Walker headed for Dalton and had a fairly easy walk, with just two steep hills.  They found Lavardi's home and asked if they could stay the night.  He said sure, and feel free to use the shower AND he would do their laundry for them.  When Dave asked where he should set up his tent, Lavardi said don't bother, take a bedroom!  He also provides several bicycles so hikers can ride to restaurants.  Can you believe this guy takes complete strangers into his home (8 of them tonight), lets them shower and does their laundry??  He has done a lot of hiking and is also full of advice and information about the area.  He doesn't charge a cent.  What a guy.

Dave stepped on the scale in the bathroom and he's lost close to 20 pounds.

I asked if he expected Packer to show up there.  Dave said it was unlikely as he was still asleep when he and Cloud Walker left the shelter.  He said Packer stayed up late talking to the trail crew until the crew leader told him to go back to his tent, his crew needs to sleep.   This morning they said Packer is homeless and is hoping to stay on the trail, but they are concerned he was on drugs or alcohol.  They were going to call the local ranger to have him checked out.

Dave was quite happy - he had a good hike, he was clean, he'd eaten a great Reuben for dinner, and had a bed to sleep in tonight.  He's looking forward to getting to Cheshire tomorrow to pick up his next box from Savannah.  Dave is happy, I am happy.

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