Sunday, July 24, 2011

Day 41 on the Trail

Today, Day 41, Dave reached his half-way mark for this year's trek!

As of 7/24/11:
Miles today - 9.6
Miles to date - 487.1
Miles to Katahdin - 484.6

Dave called at 1:30 in the afternoon, and said he was at "Home Sweet Home."  I couldn't imagine where that was ... turns out he meant he is in his tent (!) at a campground in Killington, VT.  He's going to stay there two nights, taking a Zero Day tomorrow.  Country Gold is expecting a package at the Post Office, and Dave will resupply his own pack, including finding more rope.

The first thing he did after checking into the campsite was to go into the shower, clothes and all.  He had not been able to find a laundromat, so decided that was the best way to get all his clothes as clean as possible.  He no longer has a towel, as he sent it home several weeks ago.  He found that the hostels that offered showers also had towels, so to lighten up his pack, he sent it home with a pair of long pants and one of his long-sleeved shirts.  This time, with no towel, he used his 4 bandanas to dry off as much as possible, then walked around to try to get his clothes dry.

That was all his news, except that his feet are bothering him.  He has had symptoms of planters fasciitis and we are hoping this doesn't get worse.  He had been using a night splint at home, but does not have it with him.  He plans on a day of rest tomorrow, with limited walking, and hopefully his feet will rejoice.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! So many miles !!!
    Sure hope the feet can hang in there.....they've had a rough time.
    Laughed about the shower, clothes and all.
